Scrap Stock IV – Mega-edition

Another consequence of being too tired to cook or blog or generally do anything was that my veggie scraps really started piling up. By early this week most of my fridge’s top shelf seemed to be devoted to scraps, waiting like pining lovers for the transformative kiss of the stock pot. So when I finally started to have a bit more energy, it was time to brew up some stock and get that shelf cleared.

I ended up having enough material to make two pots of stock, ending up with 13 cups of rich, savory broth, tinged a beautiful pink from the beet scraps. My freezer is truly well stocked now, which saves me from treating the stock like it is a scarce commodity.

Two pots of scrap stock

In this mega-edition of scrap stock:

Spinach crowns
Garlic peels and trim
Carrot trim and tops
Chard stem
Kale stem
Asparagus trim
Red cabbage trim
Fennel stalks
Apple cores
Radish trim
Leek trim
Green garlic trim
Arugula trim
Sugar snap pea trim
Thyme stalks
Red onion peels and trim
Shallot peels and trim
Mustard green trim
Beet trim
Bay leaves

Cherries and Mint: Week of May 21st

Contents of Week 24\'s Box

My box was so full this week I couldn’t even get it all in the photograph! What a delicious, exciting, well-balanced box, too! It’s already clear that with Duck here we will need to supplement the box, especially in the department of fruit and greens for cooking, which we eat every night. However, with stir-fry mix, chard, spinach, asparagus, and beet greens, this box will come closer to keeping us supplied for the week than any I’ve had before!

You may have noticed a big slow-down on posts here. It’s a combination of several factors. I have been really, really tired, which means when I do cook up something fun I haven’t had the energy to style, photograph, and write about the meal. But also the chaos of nestbuilding here with Duck means we have been cooking fairly simply and devoting most of our energy to unpacking and getting set up!

In this week’s bountiful box:

Cherries!!!! (although not super sweet, too bad!)
Lettuce (not pictured)
Stir-fry mix (not pictured)