Dry-farmed tomatoes and The turnips are coming! on a vegan, gluten-free Menu Plan Monday

Last week’s farmer’s market was gorgeous, full of tomatoes and peppers and strawberries and melons and other things I seem to be not really that enthusiastic about. I guess I’m not much of a “summer” when it comes to produce! However… there was one thing that made me perk right up with lustful foodiness. The dry-farmed Early Girls have arrived. Many years ago I tasted a dry-farmed tomato at Real Foods and it was pretty much one of the best things I’d ever put in my mouth. But then I started shopping at Rainbow, and though dry-farmed tomatoes do show up there every summer, I’ve never again had one that made my mouth sing. Until the market last week. I was suspicious, but, dears that they are, samples were provided. And my mouth sprang to life in happy recognition! I bought a conservatively small number, since I’m still piled high with heirloom tomatoes from my box that I don’t want to eat. But I’ve been enjoying tucking bits of those sweet bursts of perfection into everything I eat.

Looking ahead to see what will be coming in my box this week, I have never been so happy to see a bunch of turnips in my life! Longtime readers may remember my early struggles with turnips, which came with alarming regularity in my Eatwell CSA box. I tried them every which way until I finally had to concede that turnips and I just don’t mix. You’d think I’d be thrilled then that my FFTY box hasn’t included a single bunch of turnips so far. But I’ve actually been jonesing for them! Because right when I thought I’d have to give up on turnips forever, resigning them to the compost heap of life, I discovered the secret. Turnip pickles. Gorgeously flamingly pink, perfectly spicy, delicious with all kinds of foods – I love me some pickled turnips. But Rainbow hasn’t had anything but the big turnips all year (and I only like pickles made with the more tender baby ones), and my supply has long since run out. So now I can’t wait for this bunch to arrive so I can stock up again for at least a little while…

A fresh batch of turnip pickles (with beet for color)

The theme of this week’s Gluten Free Menu Swap, hosted this week by Eating for Autoimmune Health, is apples. Unfortunately I won’t be getting any apples in my box this week. But I do have a fantastic recipe for the most incredible gluten-free vegan apple cake, and I’m excited to see what other apple delicacies my fellow menu swappers will be cooking up!

For a giant round-up of menu plans from all over the web, check out the Menu Plan Monday compendium over at OrgJunkie. I’m just barely making it through the week with this menu plan… I’ll deal with the weekend when I have a better idea of what it’s going to look like!

Monday (defrost frozen peas)
Yellow curry with potatoes, carrots, cabbage, zucchini, onion, tomatoes, Thai basil, and peas with Bhutanese red rice

Vegan chile rellenos made with pasilla peppers stuffed with cheezly and nuts
Green salad

Homemade falafel
GF pita bread
Baba ganoush
Turnip pickles

Sunrise noodles with gingered greens and tofu

Sauteed broccoli rabe with garlic and chile flakes
Pasta with caramelized fennel and summer vegetables

Shopping list: Scallions

7 comments on “Dry-farmed tomatoes and The turnips are coming! on a vegan, gluten-free Menu Plan Monday

  1. cheryl says:

    the apple cake looks fantastic and oh! those tomatoes!

  2. I’m with Cheryl. That cake looks great and after the flop I made last week, I’m looking for a better recipe. I have adopted you for Adopt a Gluten-Free Blogger. Your recipes each week always leave me wanting to try them. Now I will.

  3. veganhomemade says:

    The turnip pickles are so pretty! I’m looking forward to this week’s box too, the first bok choy of many bok choys to come.

  4. Sandra says:

    What a beautiful picture of some beautiful tomatoes!
    Sounds like another delicious week. And don’t be shocked if you see your Wednesday Menu on my plan next week – we haven’t had falafels for a while and now I have the craving!

  5. Tosha says:

    WOW! I am so glad you left a comment on my blog!!!!! You have some amazing food photos and recipes!!! I am so excited, I am going to be making several things from your site next week! THANK YOU!!

    And sorry about all the exclamation points, I am just so happy to find such a great vegan blog to get food inspiration from:)

  6. Zom G. says:

    Holy Macaroni and Teese, IMB, your menu is as dazzling as your photos! It makes me want to join a CSA too. The idea of winning a vegetable lottery every week is just so appealing.

    Have you heard of those fellows in New York who are running a CSA (mini) out of the bed of a truck? Mobile farming! Oh post-post modernity, such joys and sorrows you do bring.

    Anyhoo, may all your days be blessed with sun-perfect tomatoes and all your meals garnished with pickled turnips!

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